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水稻同核异质广亲和不育系细胞质效应的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
利用同核异质广亲和不育系真系秋光A, 研究3种不育细胞质对杂交稻16个性状的遗传效应. 结果表明: (1) 不育细胞质在结实率、每穗实粒、单株产量、株高4个性状上表现显著的负效应, 在抽穗期、千粒重2个性状上表现显著的正效应, 单株穗数、每穗总粒及8个品质性状不育细胞质效应不显著, 不育细胞质效应与相对效应的分析结果基本  相似文献   
 对所构建的7种水稻同核异质雄性不育系进行细胞质遗传效应研究,包括主要生长特性和农艺性状、与恢复系测配的影响以及花粉发育的细胞学观察。结果表明,7种同核异质不育系的播始历期为81~83 d,剑叶长为25.10 ~29.40 cm,穗长为21.45 ~24.30 cm,株高为80.60 ~94.13 cm,每穗粒数在163.2~222.1。与恢复系辐恢838和绵恢725进行测配,结果表明用绵恢725配组时,各组合的生育期为113~115 d,剑叶长和剑叶宽2个性状与用辐恢838配组时类似。最主要的差别在株高、有效穗、每穗粒数、每穗实粒数、结实率和千粒重等几个性状。总体看株高明显下降,每穗粒数和实粒数显著增加,而结实率和千粒重多数不如用辐恢838配组的组合。用7种同核异质雄性不育系混合后与单一恢复系配组,在实践中是可行的。细胞学观察结果表明,同核异质雄性不育系花粉粒败育开始在单核期,92%以上为典败。花粉粒败育时,维管束的结构被彻底破坏。由此推断,所用的同核异质雄性不育系的败育应该同维管束的不正常发育有关,其败育机理应该是相同的。  相似文献   
苏家秀  谭学林  徐津  李伟华  海梅荣  王婷 《作物学报》2011,37(11):2075-2084
滇I型不育系和保持系是我国粳稻杂种优势利用最主要的技术体系之一。本研究利用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了79对滇I型同核异质粳稻不育系及保持系上三叶的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2 浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔限制值(Ls)和叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)。结果表明,不育系间及保持系间的光合参数在3个叶位上都达到了极显著水平,基因型间的这种显著差异为高光效育种提供了宝贵的遗传基础。同一叶位上不育系与保持系间的光合参数具有显著的正相关。除SPAD值外,其他光合参数值在不育系与保持系间没有显著差异,但不育系的SPAD值显著大于保持系。叶绿素相对含量不是粳稻提高光合作用的限制因子;滇I型细胞质对光合作用没有负效应;利用滇I型细胞质转育的不育系的叶绿素含量很可能有所提高。基于剑叶光合参数值对保持系及不育系的聚类,不育系和保持系可分别分为高和较低光合速率的类型。本研究为滇I型不育系的高光效育种提供了理论基础,也可作为杂交粳稻高光效的理论参考。  相似文献   
In Brassica oleracea, production of F1 hybrid seeds mainly makes use of the improved Ogura cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line. However, reliance on one particular line is a risk, and it would be advantageous to develop other CMS lines. In this study, we transferred Diplotaxis erucoides cytoplasm to B. oleracea cultivars using an alloplasmic B. rapaCMS line as a bridge plant to avoid incompatibility between donor and recipient plants. The new B. oleraceaCMS lines, which were derived by four generations of backcrossing, had small rudimentary anthers with no pollen grain and showed complete male sterility. There was no functional defect in other floral organs, and the ability to receive normal pollen did not appear to be impaired. Moreover, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm had larger leaf areas and a normal plastochron. As a consequence, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm have the potential to be valuable alternatives for use in commercial B. oleracea hybrid seed production.  相似文献   
In Brassicaceae crop breeding programs, wild relatives have been evaluated as genetic resources to develop new cultivars with biotic and abiotic stress resistance. This has become necessary because of the diversification of ecotypes of diseases and pests, changing food preferences, advances in production technology, the use of new approaches such as in vitro breeding programs, and the need for economical production of F1 seed. To produce potential new cultivars, interspecific and intergeneric hybridizations have been performed between cultivated species and between cultivated species and their wild relatives. Furthermore, interspecific and intergeneric hybrids have been successfully produced using embryo rescue techniques. In this paper, we review the interspecific and intergeneric incompatibilities between Brassicaceae crops and their wild relatives, and the production, characterization, and improvement of synthetic amphidiploid lines, alien gene introgression lines, alloplasmic lines, monosomic alien chromosome addition lines, and monosomic alien chromosome substitution lines. The goal is to provide useful materials to support practical breeding strategies and to study the genetic effects of individual chromosomes on plant traits, the number of genes that control a trait, their linkage relationships, and genetic improvement in Brassicaceae crops.  相似文献   
陆地棉同核异质系异源胞质的遗传效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过核代换培育了具有亚洲棉(G.arboreum)、草棉(C.herbaceum)、异常棉(G.anomalum)、长萼棉(G.longicalyx)、哈克尼西棉(G.harknesii)、海岛棉(G.barbadense)、和陆地棉(C.hirsutum)野生种系蓬蓬棉(G.h.purpurascens)、墨西哥野生棉(C.h.mexicanum)等8个棉属种和种系胞质的中棉所7号同核系,并培育了中棉所7号自交系。在检验同核异质系核的同质性基础上研究了胞质遗传效应,结果所有供研究的胞质对产量、产量性状及除花器官外的形态特征均没有显著影响,胞质的遗传效应主要表现对花器官及抗枯萎病性的影响;哈克尼西棉胞质导致雄性完全不育并显著增加花药数量,笔形冠长度和直径显著变小,亚洲棉和异常棉胞质引起花药数量显著减少,笔形冠形状发生显著变化,亚洲棉胞质对抗枯萎病有较显著效应。  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system based on the cytoplasm from Moricandia arvensis (mori) was investigated for fertility restoration and agronomic potential. Fertility restorer gene for mori CMS was introgressed from cytoplasm donor species as all the evaluated Brassica juncea genotypes (155) acted as sterility maintainers. The allosyndetic pairing between Ma and the A/B genome chromosomes in the monosomic addition plants (2n= 18II + 1Ma) facilitated the gene introgression. Partial fertility restoration (43–52% pollen grain stainability) in F1 hybrids and absence of segregation for male sterility in F2 progenies suggested gametophytic control of fertility restoration. The pollen fertility in the F1 hybrids was, however, sufficient to ensure complete seed set upon bag selfing. Introgression from M. arvensis also helped in correction of chlorosis associated with mori cytoplasm in CMS and fertile alloplasmic B. juncea plants. Yield evaluation of thirty F1 hybrids having the same nuclear genotype but varied male sterilizing cytoplasms (mori, oxy, lyr, refined ogu), in comparison to respective euplasmic hand bred control hybrids, allowed an estimate of yield penalty associated with different CMS systems. It ranged from 1.8% to 61.6%. Hybrids based on cytoplasmically refined ogu were most productive followed by those based on cytoplasmically refined mori CMS. The male sterility systems emanating from somatic hybridization were found superior than those developed from sexual hybridization.  相似文献   
Summary Alloplasmic male-sterile Brassica oleracea L. was synthesized in a backcrossing program through amphidiploid Raphanobrassica by using Early Scarlet Globe radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as the donor of cytoplasm and B. oleracea broccoli and cabbage as recurrent pollen parents. Persistence of radish chromosomes and high female sterility were encountered in the first four backcrosses. Following use of colchiploid 4x broccoli as pollen parent, a BC5 plant was obtained that had 2n=3x+1=28 chromosomes, improved seed set, and no radish traits. The BC6 with recurrent 2x broccoli contained male-sterile plants with 2n=18 or 19 chromosomes, increased seed set, and broccoli morphology. Subsequent generations segregated for male-sterile and restored male-fertile plants, some with variable development of stamens and pollen. Leaf color of the alloplasmic plants, especially seedlings, was lighter green than normal.  相似文献   
选用开花习性良好的农垦 5 8品种对粳选 2号同核异质不育系 (包括海南野败质型、矮秆野败质型、田东野稻质型、隆安野稻质型、冈比亚卡质型、印尼水田谷质型、Dissi质型、K5 2质型、红莲质型、BT质型、滇型和马协不育系等 12个不同细胞质来源的雄性不育系 )进行转育改造 ,经连续 5代回交选育 ,获得开花习性良好 ,异交结实率高 ,不育系稳定的农垦 5 8同核异质雄性不育性稳定不育系 12个 ,其中包括典败花粉型、圆败花粉型、染败花粉型和无花药型的不育胞质类型。农垦 5 8田东野稻质型不育系为无花药型的细胞质雄性不育类型 ,其无花药特性可以在后代中保持和传递。  相似文献   
D2型异源细胞质对普通小麦籽粒品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将粗厚山羊草(6X)、牡山羊草、瓦维洛夫山羊草等D2型异源细胞质导入普通小麦,研究它们对普通小麦籽粒品质的的影响。结果表明,D2型细胞质对提高蛋白质和湿面筋含量的作用很明显;对干面筋含量的影响因品种本身含量高低而不同,对低面筋含量品种的提高作用较大;对沉淀值的影响主要因核型不同而异。认为将D2型异源细胞质导入普通小麦是一条有效的品质改良途径。  相似文献   
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